You keep hearing people talk about building your personal brand but don’t know where to start.

Why does it even matter?

Your personal brand is what people say when you are not in the room.

When you are employed – the most important decisions are made when you are NOT in the room.

When you run a business – it’s the difference between having to sell or convince someone to buy.

What are people saying about you?

What do you want them to be saying about you?

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?!

👉 You are a leader or aspiring leader who wants to increase their influence and impact

👉 You want to be more active on Linkedin but don’t know where to start

👉 You desire to build your personal brand, but time is a factor as you juggle your job or business

👉  You want to share content but are stuck on what to write about

👉  You’re scared about what your boss/former colleagues/friends/mum (Delete as appropriate) will think

👉  You are thinking about your next opportunity, job or promotion

If you answered YES to any of these – you are not alone.

I was there, too. However, I learnt the importance of visibility and how allowing your work to “speak for itself” doesn’t work.

I learnt how to build my personal brand to leverage my knowledge, build my network and create opportunities. My personal brand has helped me find new jobs and secure promotions. 

As a LEADER, it is crucial.

How you are perceived and seen influences the impact you can have.

Now Imagine

✅ You are clear on WHY you want to build your personal brand as a leader

✅ You have an optimised LinkedIn profile which attracts the right people into your network

✅ You are clear on what you want to be known for and can create content quickly and easily

✅ You are attracting new opportunities inside and outside of your 9-5

Introducing Personal Brand Mastery for Leaders

📅 Date: Wednesday 22nd November 2023

🕒 Time: 1pm BST

📍 Location: Online

💰 Investment: £57 £97

In this 90-minute masterclass, we will cover:

  • Why you NEED to be building your personal brand TODAY, especially as an employee or founder
  • My BOLD framework which I teach my clients to help them maximise Linkedin, build thought leadership and stand out in a very crowded online space
  • How to get clear on what you want to be known for and why
  • The common challenges to building your brand and how to overcome them 
  • Mistakes to avoid and how to get started today in 30 minutes a day
  • How to optimise your LinkedIn profile to attract the right opportunities (leads, authority or growth)

PLUS a Q&A with me to answer all your questions. 

BOLD Framework


  • LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Checklist for Leaders
  • My top Personal Branding tools Toolkit
  • Your Personal Brand Mastery Workbook

The workshop is recorded so that you can refer back to it anytime. 

What You Will Walk Away With?

Expert Insights: Learn from me, a LinkedIn Top Voice and leadership branding expert with a proven track record.

Hands-On Activities: Engage in interactive exercises to optimise your LinkedIn profile, create compelling content, and build a powerful network.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators.

Post-Workshop Support: Receive valuable resources and continued guidance on your personal branding journey.

Reserve Your Seat Now!

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your LinkedIn presence and unlock new career opportunities. Secure your spot by clicking the button below.


Meet Your Workshop Host:


Hi I’m Chichi a Leadership Development Consultant, Executive Coach, and Facilitator who helps leaders perform at their best and build inclusive, high-performing teams at scale.

Rooted in values of development and diversity, I have coached hundreds of individuals across multiple industries and bring a unique perspective to her work with her strategy, digital marketing and operations background.

Formerly Director of Delivery and Head of Leadership Development at Multiverse, I grew my team from 2 to 200 in 18 months, helping to scale the training delivery to over 5,000 apprentices across the UK. I also launched the employee advocacy programme Multiverse Voices, helping employees build their personal brands on Linkedin.

A proud mum of two, I am also a published author and have written for publications such as The Guardian and Huffington Post.

Personal Wins from Building My Brand:

⭐️ Became a LinkedIn Top Voice in January 2023

⭐️ Chosen to be part of the UK’s first Linkedin Creator Accelerator; 30k applications – 150 spots. 

⭐️ Invited to be on podcasts and radio internationally

⭐️ Paid speaking opportunities (keynote, panellist, fireside chats)

⭐️ Coaching and training clients

⭐️ Written and published a book

⭐️ Expanded network internally and externally

⭐️ Enhanced internal relationships

⭐️ Increased internal visibility, which led to new projects and promotions

⭐️ Job opportunities

⭐️ When I was made redundant in February 2023, I was able to ramp up my business and secure £10k of new business in 30 days. Majority of my inbound lead generation comes from Linkedin. 

The best time to build your personal brand was yesterday.

The next best time is today.

Can’t make it live? – No problem. The recording will be sent out after the session

Hear from others:

Course testimonials


Brands I’ve worked with:

Brands Chichi has worked with



I can’t make the workshop live. Will there be a recording?

Yes, there will. After the live session, you will receive the recording plus any materials as part of the workshop.

I’m not a leader; can I still join the workshop?

The workshop is aimed at leaders and aspiring leaders. One of my first principles in leadership development is to lead yourself first, so this workshop focuses on you and your growth. How you want to be seen and show up as a leader, so there will be lots of relevant information.

Do I need a LinkedIn account?

Yes, I am going to teach you how to use Linkedin to develop and build your personal brand. So having your own account is important so that you can implement the training.